hey :)

hej allihopa! har hant mycket nu den senaste tiden, och sjalvklart har jag inte uppdaterat bloggen en enda gang, sorry about that! anyway, i've been up skiing a couple of times at ski heavly, the skiing is just awesome, though its been a little less snow to open all slopes! tomorrow are we going down to south cali, that will be a blast! we will go to disneyland, universal studios, hollywood and beverly hills and stuff, that will be so sick! i'll be updating when we come back from L.A about the christmas and everthing!

tills da sa hoppas jag att alla far en underbar jul och ni ska veta att jag saknar er alla super mycket, det ar guld har nere men det ar fortfarande inte samma sak!

slanger upp lite bilder fran granite bays winter ball we were on!

merry christmas! / your jacob

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